Questions / Assignments

1. Talk about sounds that are “big and loud and long” such as the bang of drums, cymbals and horns.  Other loud sounds include thunder, sirens, traffic and so on.

2. Talk about sounds that are “soft” such as the “pitter patter” of rain, the “splitter splatter” of dripping water, the “flutter” of falling leaves and the “whisper” of the wind.

3. Talk about sounds that are “fast” such as birds flapping their wings, frogs jumping.  Words include “zip, zing, zoom, zap, flip, fling.”

4. Talk about happy sounds such as “clap,” “giggle” and “hum.”

5. Talk about sounds we make when we eat such as “chomp,” “chew” and “pop.”

6. Talk about sounds we make when we sleep such as “smack,” “snort,” “rattle,” and “roar.”

7. Spend a moment sitting still and listening to the sounds all around.  Identify sounds such as a ticking clock, birds chirping, people talking, phones ringing, cars driving past and so on.